Plan Review Information

Plan Review
EFFPD is only accepting digital plan submittals, paper plans will NOT be accepted. 
Please go to to register and submit plans.
Process Map for Digital Plan Submittals, Reviews & Inspections
High-Piled Combustible Storage Permit
The High-Piled Combustible Storage Permit Application is a 20 page fill-in form in PDF. Type the information into the form and print to submit the application.

Fee Schedules

At the June 18, 2024 Board of Directors meeting, East Fork Fire Prevention Division updated the Plan Review Fees and decreased the Residential Review fee from $1200 to $400. A Systems fee, DC Building Multipliers and ICC Value Table have been added.

Fire & Life Safety Plan Review Fees

Fire Suppression, Alarms, & Systems Fee

DC Building Multipliers

ICC Value Table

Development Review Fees

Ops Permits & Inspection Fees

 Miscellaneous Fees


Interlocal Agreement between East Fork Fire Protection District and the State of Nevada Fire Marshal

This contract is the signed agreement between the Nevada State Fire Marshal and East Fork Fire that authorizes us to conduct inspections and provide plan review for the State.