Emergency medical services (EMS)

EMS Services 

Rescue 107

The EMS Program is overseen by our Medical Director, Dr. Holland. Under Dr. Holland’s supervision, East Fork Fire Protection District provides Advanced Life Support (ALS) care to the residents and visitors of the District with four (4) ALS staffed Engines and four (4) ALS staffed Ambulances (Rescues). An apparatus is considered “ALS” when there is at least one Paramedic on board and the apparatus is licensed as ALS through the State of Nevada. Paramedics are the highest level of EMS care available from the District. Paramedics can respond to and treat any EMS call that is received, including, but not limited to: cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, major hemorrhage, major trauma, allergic reactions, choking, strokes, and heart attacks.

For cardiac arrests, the District is responsible for providing BLS and ALS care during the cardiac arrest and ALS care in the post-cardiac arrest setting. Each of the District’s Type 1 Fire Engines and Ambulances are staffed with at least one Paramedic and all the equipment necessary to provide care in the event of a cardiac arrest. ALS care will be provided on scene until the paramedic determines it is safe to transport the patient to the closest Emergency Department. The community can assist our district by calling 911 immediately when a cardiac arrest happens, remaining calm on the phone, and providing hands-only CPR as directed by the dispatcher.

Rescue in the snow.

The District also provides lower levels of care via Firefighters with EMT-Basic and Advanced-EMT training. EMTs provide care to patients who do not require ALS care. Some examples of this include low blood sugar, wound bandaging, minor falls, and other non-emergent illnesses. Additionally, East Fork Fire provides Interfacility transport (IFT) for patients who require transport from one hospital or care facility to another when a higher level of care is needed. This sometimes includes providing patients with a means of transportation from the hospital to their residence if there is a medical or physical condition that prevents traditional transportation. 

Our EMS program is overseen by our Medical Director Dr. Dustin Holland
Dr. Dustin Holland

Dr. Holland also serves as the medical director for Carson City and Central Lyon Fire. The district works closely with these other agencies to provide excellent care across the quad county region through collaboration in training and medical treatment protocols. Dr. Holland is board-certified in Emergency Medicine and EMS. He works as a full-time Emergency Medicine Physician and serves on the State EMS Advisory Committee. He lives in the area with his wife and three young children and enjoys camping, boating, hiking, and exploring all Northern Nevada has to offer.