Wildland Fire
East Fork Fire looks at two types of wildland fires:
The non-interface wildland fires and wildland urban interface incidents.
Non-Interface Wildland Fire

While 67.9% of our District encompasses federal lands, these lands are interspersed with privately owned land. Unlike some other Nevada fire districts, our enabling legislation did not carve out the federal land. These two items make East Fork Fire a responder to wildland fires until ownership is determined and the responsible agency assumes control and responsibility for the incident. Due to intermix of ownership, most incidents are managed under unified command. East Fork Fire has a significant history of wildland fires throughout the District with the highest concentration being in the east and southern most locations of the District.
The threat of wildland fires within the District is great due to response distance, fuel conditions, the presence of summer thunderstorms, and the human factor.
Wildland Urban Interface Fire
The wildland urban interface (WUI) fire threat for many informal communities within East Fork is extremely high. These areas are where wildland fires burn in or towards residential neighborhoods that then involve the structures, as well as the vegetation as fuel. The vast majority of wildfire incidents that East Fork Fire responds to are wildland urban interface fires.