Sierra Saver
Ambulance Subscription Program

The Program

We know firsthand that medical emergencies can strike anyone at any time. Should one occur to you or a member of your family, the last thing you should have to worry about is your ambulance bill.
That is why the East Fork Fire Protection District are pleased to be offering an ambulance subscription program to the citizens within its ambulance coverage area.
Participants of this program will benefit from full coverage ambulance services, which means you will have no out-of-pocket expenses, not even a deductible!

Who is eligible to join?

Anyone who resides in the geographical area covered by the East Fork Fire Protection District, regardless of whether you have insurance or not.

Subscription Period for the Sierra Saver Program

The subscription period for the Program is January 1 of each year through December 31 of the same calendar year. If
you sign up after December 31st, your enrollment starts the date your application and subscription payment is received.

Sierra Saver Program Range Has Been Extended

The subscription range has been extended to cover transports from East Fork, Carson City, Storey County, Central & North Lyon via an agreement with these other regional agencies.

What services are covered?

All medically necessary and approved trips to and from healthcare facilities, doctor’s offices, and nursing homes in Douglas County.
All medically necessary and approved transfers from healthcare facilities within the East Fork Fire Protection District coverage area to other areas within 75 miles.
A (3) three transport maximum has been added to the program. However, this maximum only applies if there is an actual
cost to the District. If your insurance company pays your bill in full, that transport does not count towards your maximum.

How much does it cost?

The annual fee for a subscription period is sixty-five dollars ($65) for a single or multiple person household with health insurance or
one-hundred thirty dollars ($130) for single or multiple person household with no health insurance. This fee is payable in advance and is NON-REFUNDABLE.

Download the Sierra Saver 2025 Renewal or New Subscription

It contains all the directions to sign up for or renewal our program.

Sierra Saver 2025 Instructions, Application, Agreement & Payment Form Packet